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Diversity Scholarships

Diversity Scholarships

Supporting your further career development

Gaining a top leadership position or enhancing your knowledge in certain professional fields requires an investment of time and money in your education.

Our purpose at WHU Executive Education is to offer high-quality programs for our participants and also encourage diversity in the workplace worldwide. We support ambitious people to become the leaders of tomorrow while setting a particular emphasis on the advancement of women in leadership positions.

We currently offer two types of partial scholarships for select programs, each with a 25% or 50% discount off the regular program fee.

For our shorter programs (2-4 days), a maximum of two partial scholarships are offered per program run, each at a 25% discount off the regular program fee. Those interested in the Management Essentials Program can apply for a scholarship with a 25% discount.

For more advanced programs such as The Essence of Coaching for Senior Leaders Program, and Advanced Management for Senior Leaders Program, a maximum of one partial scholarship will be offered per program run, each at a 50% discount off the regular program fee.

Scholarships are only awarded for the programs listed below. An application for a renewed scholarship may be submitted no earlier than 36 months after program participation. The application deadline for a scholarship is three months before the start of each program.

Which is the right scholarship for you?
Diversity Scholarships for Women

Female diversity in leadership positions has slowly risen, but globally, it is still at a low: for example, in 2021, 31% of senior management positions were held by women*. These numbers vary by industry, but still, there is a high potential of improving this imbalance. As an ambitious woman, please feel welcome to apply for a Female Scholarship for one of the following programs:

Advanced Management for Senior Leaders Program ​ (one 50% scholarship)

Executing Strategy for Organizational Growth (two 25% scholarships)

Financial Literacy Program ​ (two 25% scholarships)

Innovation & Corporate Entrepreneurship Essentials Program (two 25% scholarships)

Leadership Essentials Program​ (two 25% scholarships)

Management Essentials Program (25% scholarships)

Strategic Decision Making Program (two 25% scholarships)

Strategy Essentials Program (two 25% scholarships)

The Essence of Coaching for Senior Leaders​ (one 50% scholarship)

Diversity Scholarships for Emerging Market Leaders

We at WHU follow a cosmopolitan mindset cultivated by promoting internationality. Be it our long-term cooperations with partner universities all over the world, or the international immersion engraved in every program’s curriculum, cosmopoliteness is core. As an emerging market leader, please feel welcome to apply for a Diversity Scholarship for one of the following programs:

Advanced Management for Senior Leaders Program ​ (one 50% scholarship)

Executing Strategy for Organizational Growth (two 25% scholarships)

Financial Literacy Program ​ (two 25% scholarships)

Innovation & Corporate Entrepreneurship Essentials Program (two 25% scholarships)

Leadership Essentials Program​ (two 25% scholarships)

Management Essentials Program (25% scholarships)

Strategic Decision Making Program (two 25% scholarships)

Strategy Essentials Program (two 25% scholarships)

The Essence of Coaching for Senior Leaders​ (one 50% scholarship)

Scholarships for small businesses and start-ups

We offer a limited amount of partial scholarships for employees of small businesses and start-ups. If you would like to enhance your professional skills in one of our new online program formats, feel free to apply for a scholarship.

How to apply?

We are looking forward to welcoming ambitious and visionary people of diversity into our Executive Education Programs! To apply, simply follow three easy steps:

  1. Choose one of the Executive Education Open Programs.
  2. Send us an e-mail with your CV and letter of motivation in English to There are no formal requirements regarding the level of work experience, and we assess each application individually. Applications for the 50% scholarships must also include a letter of recommendation from your supervisor.
  3. After the assessment through our Admissions Committee, we will inform you if you are eligible for a scholarship.
For more women in leading positions

In cooperation with the 30% Club, we are delighted to offer two ambitious women a 50% scholarship each for WHU’s Management Essentials Program and the Advanced Management for Senior Leaders Program.

The 30% Club is convinced that gender balance on boards and in senior management not only encourages better leadership and governance, but diversity further contributes to better all-round board performance and ultimately increases corporate performance for both companies and their shareholders.

The cooperation between WHU and the 30% Club supports determined female managers and leaders to reach a better gender balance within organizations at all levels.

Furthermore, this scholarship enables students to join 30% Club Horizon events which will be specially filmed and can be viewed online through their digital platform.

To apply for this scholarship, please send an e-mail with your CV and letter of motivation to We look forward to welcoming an increasing number of ambitious and visionary women to our Executive Education Programs.

*Source: “Women in Business 2021.” Grant Thornton International Ltd. Home, Grant Thornton, 2022, Graph on global findings from senior management positions held by women.

More Questions? Contact us
More Questions? Contact usNikola Nakov & Yvonne KrackAdmissions Team Executive Education Open Programs